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How to Prevent Bad Breath

Control bad breath by Olympic Family dentist in Aberdeen

Since we’ve all been wearing masks over the past year and beyond , many of us have gotten a lot more up close with our breath, and realized that it might not smell that great. While gum or mints can be handy in a bind, they are definitely only a temporary fix for bad breath … Read more

What are the Oral Health Effects of Menopause

Menopause, Aberdeen, WA

Menopause, a phase of life all women must go through, yet many of the symptoms are not frequently discussed. We’re here to speak particularly about the oral health impacts of menopause on women. As we age our oral health changes, but for women, menopause brings additional concerns. Around 3,000 women reach menopausal age daily, but the manifestations of menopause in oral health are even less widely discussed than overall symptoms.

What are Dental Sealants?

sealant applied by dentist in Olympic Family Dental, Aberdeen, WA

Sealants are another line of defense against cavities, in addition to brushing and flossing. On the chewing surface of our molar teeth there are tiny grooves and pits, that are so small they can’t even be cleaned with a toothbrush bristle. These small grooves are an easy hiding place for bacteria to collect and for … Read more

Autoimmune Series Part 3: Oral Health Effects of Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Painful aphtha ulcer needs dental care in Aberdeen WA

Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), are a group of autoimmune diseases that result in chronic inflammation in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. The two main diseases identified in this group are Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. The resulting symptoms are painful due to chronic inflammation, eventually damaging the GI tract. Both diseases must be diagnosed by a … Read more

Tips to keep your Teeth White this Summer

Before and after teeth whitening by Aberdeen Dentist

With summer right around the corner,  many people start to consider whitening their teeth. Although there are certain considerations to be made, almost anyone can whiten their teeth. This month, we’ll review some safe whitening practices as well as the options we provide to patients. Is it safe to whiten my teeth? The most common … Read more

Autoimmune Series Part 1: Rheumatoid Arthritis and Oral Health

3D illustration of Palm painful - skeleton x-ray, medical concept in Aberdeen

This month we’re kicking off a new blog series here at Olympic Family Dental! Every other month through 2019 we will be highlighting a different autoimmune disease and the impacts it has on oral health, and vice versa. Autoimmune diseases are diseases that spread throughout the body and affect many different systems. These diseases cause … Read more

5 Reasons to Choose Dental Implants

Implant dental by Aberdeen dentist

Explore the 5 reasons to choose dental implants. The need to have teeth extracted is usually for one of two reasons; extensive decay or bone loss resulting from periodontal disease. Nearly half of our adult population struggles with periodontal disease so it is not surprising that nearly 178 million Americans are missing at least one … Read more

Real Talk: Oral Health and Methamphetamines

Aberdeen dentist with methamphetamine central nervous system stimulant.

It’s hard to avoid the constant news about the rising rates of drug addiction in our country. It can be worse hearing the heartbreaking story of a loved one struggling with addiction. The effects of drug addiction stretch to families, communities and individuals. We have an important job as dental professionals as we are trained … Read more

The Heart of Oral Health

Smiling face with beautiful teeth

You’ve heard us say time and again that good oral health is linked to good overall health. Most individuals tend to treat their mouth as a separate entity from the rest of their body. When you ignore the fact that what goes on there has a large correlation to many other health issues, you are … Read more

Oral Health Resolutions You Can Keep in 2019

health priority with Olympic Family Dental Aberdeen

Time to share our favorite oral health resolutions for this year! Year after year “Health” resolutions are at the top of almost everyone’s list for areas of improvement. This New Year is no different as many of us are contemplating how we can make this year even better than the last. Most of us set … Read more