How to Prevent Bad Breath

Control bad breath by Olympic Family dentist in Aberdeen

Since we’ve all been wearing masks over the past year and beyond , many of us have gotten a lot more up close with our breath, and realized that it might not smell that great. While gum or mints can be handy in a bind, they are definitely only a temporary fix for bad breath … Read more

What are the Oral Health Effects of Menopause

Menopause, Aberdeen, WA

Menopause, a phase of life all women must go through, yet many of the symptoms are not frequently discussed. We’re here to speak particularly about the oral health impacts of menopause on women. As we age our oral health changes, but for women, menopause brings additional concerns. Around 3,000 women reach menopausal age daily, but the manifestations of menopause in oral health are even less widely discussed than overall symptoms.